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LeDerm® skin care services are performed by licensed professionals with years of experience. The staff at LeDerm  regularly collaborate with one another, engaging in cross training and referring clients based upon team observations and inter-discussion.

Laser Genesis Skin Rejuvenation thumb

Laser Genesis Skin Rejuvenation

Laser Genesis Stimulates collagen growth and produces a healthy, vibrant complexion. The procedure utilizes non-invasive laser technology to safely, discretely and effectively treat fine-line wrinkles, diffuse redness, melasma, scars, acne scarring, rosacea, enlarged pores and sun damage. Remarkable skin revitalization can be achieved in as few as six treatments.

Call today for an introductory consultation.*

The treatments have made a huge difference in my skin - the results have been great.  Mary always takes her time and makes you feel totally comfortable and at ease. 

- Oboedoggie O. East Watertown, MA

* Introductory consultation consists of a one hour skin-typing and assessment with recommendations for treatment. If appointment for treatment is made at time of consult, price of consultation is applied towards treatment.

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